Gaylord Specialty Healthcare Research Listing

Equity and Quality in Assistive Technology

Written by Gaylord | August 16, 2023

Equity and Quality in Assistive Technology (EQuATe) 2.0 for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury: An SCI Model System Study

The goal of this study is to improve the quality of wheelchairs prescribed for individuals with SCI. In addition, the proposed research may benefit all individuals who use manual wheelchairs and power wheelchairs in the future, given recent changes in health care policy of competitive bidding that limit financial reimbursement for medical services and supplies. For this study, we will collect information on Assistive Technology (AT) used by individuals with SCI, specifically wheelchair make, model, failures, and repairs. This data will enable us to track the impact of insurance market changes, find differences in wheelchair failures, and present this information to wheelchair users. This study also collects information regarding any perceived prejudices you may have experienced in your healthcare system.
Project type: Research

Year started: 2021

Diagnosis: Spinal Cord Injury