Gaylord Speciality Healthcare News

A DASH Diet Can Cut Your Stroke Risk. Here's how:

Written by Gaylord | April 29, 2024

by Alexa Marks, Registered Dietitian

May isn’t just another page on the calendar; it’s Stroke Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about effective strategies for stroke prevention and recovery. One strategy stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness: the DASH diet.

DASH, which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, offers a roadmap for reducing high blood pressure and lowering the risk of stroke through relatively easy dietary modifications.

Let's delve deeper into how the DASH diet can specifically benefit individuals at risk of stroke.

What is the DASH Diet?
The DASH way of eating is a potent and well-rounded weapon in the fight against strokes due to its focus on heart-healthy eating habits and blood pressure management.

The DASH diet focuses heavily on reducing sodium intake, a crucial factor in lowering hypertension risk—an established risk factor for strokes. Stroke survivors, in particular, can benefit from lowering their sodium intake to manage blood pressure and reduce the risk of recurrent strokes.

The diet also emphasizes consuming low-fat, whole foods packed with essential nutrients that are well-known to support cardiovascular health and regulate blood pressure levels.

By adhering to the principles of the DASH diet, individuals can maintain healthy blood pressure levels and reduce the likelihood of experiencing a stroke or a recurrent stroke, ultimately leading to improved overall health and well-being.

Why Sodium?
Sodium plays a crucial role in our bodies’ function, but when we consume too much, our bodies retain water to maintain sodium balance in the bloodstream, leading to increased blood volume and higher blood pressure.

Over time, consistently elevated blood pressure can damage the delicate linings of our vessels, making them more prone to plaque buildup and narrowing, which restricts blood flow to the brain and increases the risk of stroke. Moreover, high salt intake can directly affect the function of the kidneys, which regulate blood pressure by controlling the balance of fluids and sodium in the body.

By reducing our salt intake, we can help maintain healthy blood pressure levels, reducing the strain on our cardiovascular system and ultimately lowering the risk of stroke.

Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium: Stroke Superheroes
Beyond sodium reduction, the DASH diet encourages the consumption of whole foods including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, beans, nuts, seeds, fish, and low-fat dairy products, and emphasizes food rich in certain nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and potassium that are known to support heart health and lower blood pressure.

Calcium-rich foods like low-fat or skim dairy products and fortified orange juice have stroke-reducing properties and are great options to support bone health. Avocados, nuts, whole grains, spinach, and tofu are excellent sources of magnesium and potassium and are crucial for reducing harmful cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular health.

Now that you have the basic knowledge of the DASH Diet’s components, it’s time to explore some tips for navigating a low-sodium lifestyle with ease and tricks to making healthy choices more accessible— and sustainable.