Gaylord E-WellWishes
Sometimes a word of encouragement or just a “hello” can brighten the day of a patient. If you have a friend or loved one who is currently a patient at Gaylord Hospital (inpatient only) you can send him or her an e-WellWish by filling out the form below.
Notice to Senders
Please treat the information in your e-WellWishes like a postcard and do not include any private or personal information. Your greeting will be printed on cheerful paper and delivered to the patient by a hospital staff member or a volunteer. You will not receive any emails or other confirmations about your e-WellWishes.
Delivery Schedule
Monday through Friday: Messages received by 11:30 a.m. (EST) will be delivered that same day. Greetings received after this time will be delivered the next day.
Weekends: Messages received after 11:30 a.m. on Friday or on Saturday or Sunday will be delivered the following Monday.
Please note: There is no attempt to forward e-WellWishes to patients who have been discharged from Gaylord Hospital.